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Youth Volunteer (14-17 Years Old)show details + $0.00 USD  
Adult Volunteer (Over 18 years old)show details + $0.00 USD  

  •  June 9, 2025 - June 13, 2025
     8:30 am - 4:30 pm


Volunteer    Youth and Adult Registration  (you MUST be 14 years old or older to volunteer)

(all volunteers are subject to final approval from the Camp Director and Council Approval)

2025 Cub Scout Day Camp        ” Invention Convention”    


What is it? ‘Invention Convention”   Day Camp is a fun filled -themed Cub Scout Day Camp being offered at Camp Elmore in Davie. Activities include Scout Skills, Archery, Arts & Crafts, BB Gun Shooting, Land Sports, Special Guests, Daily Programs, Conservation Programs and much, much more.  Scouts sign up for camp where they will explore the World of Robotics and Inventions! Staff will assist in the above areas shown as well as working with the individual Dens. Camp Elmore will have Aquatic Programs and are seeking Aquatic Staff as well.


When ?        Day Camp Hours are 8:30 AM- 4:30 PM.     Set up and break down will occur before and after camp

Before & aftercare available  8-8:30 AM-4:30-5 PM (Staff needed for these hours as well) Volunteer Hours are from 8-5 daily unless requested to serve additional times. All volunteer staff are expected to be positive, enthusiastic, helpful and to represent the Scout Oath & Law at all times during Cub Scout Day Camp and all interactions with campers, other staff and parents- or they should spend time in other pursuits. Volunteers MUST register with the BSA and complete training


  •  June 09-13, 2025- Monday-Friday    Camp Elmore- Davie

Training Required: All Volunteer Youth and Adults must complete Youth Protection Training and Hazardous Weather (both free online before camp) to work at Cub Day Camp. This may be done at  It is also very advantageous to have CPR , First Aid  and other additional training’s to work in specific areas at camp. All Area position assignments are determined by the Day Camp Director

Staff Training Required: There will be a mandatory Pre Day Camp Staff Training TBD-that you will be notified of.

Food?      All Volunteers should bring their non-perishable lunch each day and any snacks. Water is available all day to all Staff.

Transportation:   All Staff must provide their own transportation

Registration:     Volunteer Registration closes on May 15. Registrations online can be modified, so save your password. opens January 15, 2025.

Staff T-Shirts are available for FULL WEEK – (5 Day plus training dates)   ADULT VOLUNTEERS.

Staff T-Shirts are NOT guaranteed for any Online Registered Adults whom register after May 15, 2025.

No Staff T-Shirts are guaranteed for Youth Volunteers, however we will try to allocate some.

Any additional available Staff T-shirts will be distributed at Day Camp Directors discretion.

Service Hours: Will be given if requested for School or Unit  at the conclusion of Day Camp by the Camp


We need YOU! Choose the amount of time you volunteer – 1/2 a day, 1 day or up to all 5 days.

  • Adults & Pack Leaders – will receive a FREE staff T-shirt and a $25 rebate after camp on their Cub Scouts’ paid registration fee IF volunteering all 5 days of camp.
  • Youth from Troops, Crews, Ships, Posts will earn service hours, an event patch, and a staff t-shirt. Per New Scouting America rules, youth volunteers must to be 14 yrs or older. Youth 11-13 may volunteer, but they MUST have a parent or an adult leader from their unit with them at all times during the camp.
  • ALL volunteers MUST register as Camp Staff with Scouting America before May 15th. If you are currently registered at the unit, district or Council level, the camp staff registration will be considered a multiple registration and there is no charge. If you are not currently registered in Scouting America, there will be a $25 charge to register as Camp Staff which will include a background check.

Benefits to Volunteering at Day Camp:

  • Be part of a team making a difference.
  • Meet parents from your community.
  • Have fun doing activities and crafts with your Scout.
  • Opportunity for your Scout to see you in a positive leadership role.
  • Full training provided. Learn new skills.
  • Youth earn service hours.

Here are some ways you can help:

  • Teach a craft or Scouting skill.
  • Help with check-in during the mornings.
  • Run Errands for the director.
  • Pick up-deliver ice each morning- help keep water igloos full for the Scouts in areas.
  • Help promote Day Camp during the Spring to units to encourage participation as participants or volunteers.
  • Run the target range at camp (FREE training provided).
  • Work in the Waterfront- some training required
  • Be the Health Officer (Specific Certifications Required).

CPR, First Aid Training, Aquatic Training is always a plus at Day Camp- and we need you

Volunteers also must fill out a medical form (see link in the attachment section of this page) and have a current Youth Protection Training certificate on file at camp. Register to be a volunteer at Day Camp during the registration process for your Cub Scout and help make Day Camp an unparalleled experience for you and your Scout!

Volunteers must be registered in Scouting America either in a unit, or as Camp Staff.


More Info?         Cliff Freiwald, 305.709-2976 or

(all volunteers are subject to final approval from the Camp Director and Council Approval)


Camp Elmore       Robert Gonzalez