We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
March 23, 2018 - March 25, 2018
5:00 pm
Tequesta District Spring Camporee Celebration of Nations
What: Tequesta the Besta – Spring Camporee.
When: Friday March 23, 2018 through Sunday March 25, 2018.
Where: Camp Elmore
3551 SW 142nd Ave
Davie, Fl. 33331
Cost? DEPOSIT OF $50.00 DUE BEFORE March 10, 2018. This deposit will be applied towards the total number of registering scouts & scouters. If your unit is pre-registered by March 10th, the fee per camper is $15.00, after that date the fee will be $20.00. If you overpay no refunds can be made at the camporee
Camporee Theme: Celebration of Nations
For more information please contact:
Venue: Camp Elmore
Venue Website: https://sfcbsa.org/camps/camp-elmore/
Address:3551 SW 142 Avenue, Davie, Florida, 33330, United States