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  •  September 29, 2024
     10:30 am - 2:00 pm

TROOP SUMMER CAMP OPEN HOUSE sponsored by the    South Florida Council Camping Committee

From 10:30 am to 2 pm at Camp Elmore for all

SF Council Scouts BSA and Venturing Units.

Scouts , Venturers, AOL’s  and Leaders may come and receive information

from long term summer camps whom offer our South Florida

Council Units their    “In Council Rates”.


If you have not decided on a

summer camp for the summer of 2025 or 2026 this event could

benefit your Unit. Come out and spend time speaking with the

representatives from the many Councils and their awesome camps where our Scouts and

Venturers camp. Only one Unit representative needs to attend,

but more are welcome to be there.

Flyer-2024 Troop Summer Camp Open House-Save the date flyer

Come out anytime between 10:30 am and 1:45  pm. Choose from multiple 15 minute time slots to

arrive at camp and begin. There will be drawings for a week of summer- You may stay and visit until

the event is over- NOTE– The last group starts at 1:45 PM and the event is over at 2PM.

Camp at some of the camps represented during the Open House.

Since South Florida Council does not currently offer a long

term summer camp program we wish to assist our Units with

their journey to find great BSA Camps for their

Scouts and Venturers. Find our your options.

There will be drawings for a FREE WEEK AT SUMMER CAMP at some of the camps represented


           For any questions please contact:

          Cliff Freiwald- Director of Support Services   305-709-2976       




Venue Website:

3551 SW 142 Avenue, Davie, Florida, 33330, United States