March 6, 2020 - March 8, 2020
4:00 pm - 1:20 pm all-day
The Sol Leiman -2020 Merit Badge College
What: Merit Badge College is an opportunity for all Boy Scouts to meet with qualified counselors and earn merit badges needed for advancement towards ranks including required badges for Eagle Scout. Scouts below the rank of FIRST CLASS have access to the Five Arrows Advancement Program as well as some Merit Badge classes.
ADULT EDUCATION ranges from carded classes like Youth Protection and Safe Swim Defense to Supplemental Training; How to Teach a Merit Badge, Life to Eagle, and Conducting Boards of Review. Register early as these classes fill up rapidly and have a space cap.
MB College Online Registrations Instructions– Please download and view MBC_2020_Registration_Instructions
Who: For properly registered BSA Boy Scouts, Venturers and Adult Leaders.
Webelos and Cub Scouts may NOT attend Merit Badge College as this event is for older youth registered in a Scout Troop – Scouts BSA– working on Merit Badges and adults. Younger Scouts should remain at home and may attend when they are older and registered in Scouts BSA
When: March 06-08, 2020.
Where: Miramar High School, 3601 Southwest 89th Avenue, Miramar, FL 33025
Camping: As in past years the College offers camping. MBC is offering camping at Camp Elmore. Camping sites are available and will accommodate all Scouts from your unit. The College Camping Chairman will be available on the grounds to assign each campsite and assist you along with the Campmasters Friday night.
Bus service will NOT be provided for campers from Camp Elmore to Miramar High School this year, all camping adults should arrange to drive their Scouts to and from both the locations. Adequate and ample parking is available at both locations.
Meals: All meals are prepared by the College, served in the cafeteria for -Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner and including Sunday breakfast.
Leadership: Each Unit is expected to register at least TWO paid adults with the boys and provide at least TWO adults to volunteer their assistance to the College. We are especially in need of Merit Badge Counselors and Five Arrow Instructors. All camping units are required to have TWO adult leaders present for overnight camping. Units provide all their own camping gear.
No food, snack, drink or product sales of any type may take place at or during the MB College that are not run by MB College Staff. No solicitating may take place for any reason, nor may any signs be posted by Units/Individuals at the at the MB College.
College Information:
MB Counselors: There is no charge to register as Merit Badge Counselor if not a registered attendee of the College. Counselors will be provided meals commensurate with their class schedules. MB Counselor registration is available online at www.sfcbsa.org.
MB College Online Registrations Instructions– Please download and view MBC_2020_Registration_Instructions
Questions contact SL-MBC Counselor Coordinators:
Five Arrows Instructors: Contact 5 Arrows Instructors Coordinator
Weather: This is a “rain or shine” event.
Insurance: Liability as well as Sickness and Accident Insurance is provided for all registered members and leaders of the South Florida Council.
More Info: Please contact Staff Advisor ">Cliff.Freiwald or (305) 364-0020 x 213 or contact Matt Kinsey SL-MBC Dean 2020,
Class Schedule MBC2020_Classroom_Assignments
Merit Badge College Registration Instructions MBC_2020_Registration_Instructions
Class Pre-Requisites MBC2020 PreRequisites
2020 Leader Guide-2020 MBC Guide updated 2 21 2020
Venue: Miramar High School
3601 Southwest 89th Avenue, Miramar, FL 33025