December 3, 2017
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
We have extended registration until 11 Pm on November 30, 2017.
Sunday –December 3, 2017- this event is not on Saturday
What is it? Get a Jump Start on your Cub Scouts advancements for the year by coming to Cubbie College!
Who? This event is open to all registered Cub Scouts and registered Leaders or Parents.
When & Where? Sunday, December 3, 2017. Check-in begins at 8:00 am on Sunday. Activities will start at 9am and run till 4pm. Cubbie College will be held at Camp Elmore, 3551 SW 142nd Ave, Davie, FL 33330 (US).
Supervision? All units must have two-deep leadership in accordance with Youth Protection guidelines and at least one adult must be Youth Protection Trained. Each unit must have at least 2 adults per den to supervise youth during activities.
Cost? Early Bird Price is $15 per scout until November 27th, 2017. Registration includes lunch. .
The cost for Adults attending will be $5 this is to cover lunch.
Leader Guide: Cubbie College 2017
Adventures? All adventures will be on a first come first serve bases. Once all adventures are full registration will close.
Tiger: TBD
Wolf: TBD
Bear: TBD
Webelo: TBD
Arrow of Light: TBD
Adult Training? The following trainings will be available for adults to take at Cubbie College: TBD
Registration? Registration is requested in order for us to plan according to the number of people attending. There will be NO WALK UP registrations. Registration will close for this event on Tuesday, November 28th, 2017 unless all adventures become full. You will need to create a username and password for your Pack in order to enter the registration system and sign up for adventures. For each scout you register PLEASE REMEMBER TO SWITCH THE PARTICIPANT TYPE TO THE CORRECT RANK OF EACH SCOUT!
Insurance? Liability, as well as Sickness and Accident Insurance is provided for all registered members and leaders of the South Florida Council.
More Info? For questions or more information, contact:
Contact Alex Hochberger for more information and to volunteer
Venue: Camp Elmore
Venue Website: https://sfcbsa.org/camps/camp-elmore/