We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
  •  December 1, 2017 - December 3, 2017
     5:00 pm - 12:00 pm all-day

What is it? Camporee is a District event in which Boy Scouts participate in a skills competition.  This information is being sent to Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee Chairs, and Arrow of Light Leaders. Please share this information with other adults and leaders in your Unit.

Activities? Troops will compete in scout or Olympic themed competitions which will be judged. Teams will include both Scouts and Arrow of Lights. There will also be some activities meant purely for fun to include or teach the soon to be incoming Arrow of Lights. Remember each Troop will need to pick a country to represent and will be granted on a first come first serve basis. (Please email the Chief and Advisor with your choice)

When & Where? Friday, December 1st, 2017 through Sunday, December 3rd, 2017.   Check-in begins at 5 pm Friday.   Activities will run all day Saturday and the event will end Sunday after Scout’s Own.  Camporee will be held at Camp Elmore, 3551 SW 142nd Ave, Davie, FL 33330 (US).

Supervision? All units must have two-deep leadership in accordance with Youth Protection guidelines and at least one adult must be Youth Protection Trained.

Cost? Fee is $20 per Scout ($10 per Adult) until November 17th, 2017. Starting November 18th, 2017 the price will be $25 per Scout ($15 per Adult). Registration closes on November 30th. The registration fee does not include food so plan accordingly.  Each unit is asked to bring something to share for Cracker-barrel.  All pre registered participants by November 17th, will receive a camporee patch, and each troop will receive recognition for their participation. Registrations after November 17th, are not guaranteed a patch.

Refunds? Refunds are not available, but fees are transferable to another scout or adult.

Registration? Registration is requested in order for us to plan campsite assignments according to the number of tents.  Please return the form below to the Council Service Center no later than Friday, November 17th by noon or online for the Early Bird pricing. Please register at the Council by Thursday, November 30th at Noon or online at the regular price to be included in this event.

Click HERE for the South Florida Council ZOMBIE WINTER CAMPOREE 2017

Insurance? Liability, as well as Sickness and Accident Insurance is provided for all registered members and leaders of the South Florida Council.

More Info? For questions or more information, contact:  Adult Camporee Chief: Ken Ninomiya at  or the Youth Chief: Kenny Ninomiya


Venue Website:

3551 SW 142 Avenue, Davie, Florida, 33330, United States