•  March 21, 2020
     10:00 am - 2:30 pm

First Aid  Merit Badge- This event has been postponed by Baptist Hospital


Location- Baptist Health Resource Center ( Baptist Medical Plaza- to the left of the uniform store)

15855 Pines Blvd Ste. 130

Pembroke Pines, FL 33027


Time 10 am until 2:30pm – Class begins at 9:45 am-You cannot enter the classroom after 10:00 am. Pick up is 2:30 after that time a late fee with be accessed.

Cost: $30.00 early bird until 3/06/2020

$42.00 after 3/6/2020

Last day is March 16, 2020

No walk ins and no refunds

A Continental Breakfast and Pizza Lunch will be served.

Class participation does not guarantee completion of the Merit Badge

Class size limited

Min number of scouts is 15 / max number of scouts is 30

Scouts name , phone number, parents name, troop, and rank

Cub Scouts are not eligible to participate

For more info please contact


305-364-0020 x 221 or 228