June 3, 2023
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Archaeology Merit Badge
When: June 03, 2023
Where: Deering Estate
16701 SW 72nd Ave, Miami, FL 33157
Flyer Archaeology 2023
Time: 10:00AM- 2:00PM
No LATE Entry after 10:15AM
Cost: $35.00 –Early Bird if registered by 5/30/2023
$50.00- if registered after 5/30/2023
Scouts need to be in Class B uniform, closed toed shoes, bring pen, worksheet, merit badge book Requirement #9 needed day of class.
and bring a water bottle with you.
**The following requirements number 4 A-B, 6 A-C, 7 Do one of the following A-C, and 8 are to be sent in a PDF File attachment to both emails listed below. **
You Must bring Lunch!
For more information
Diane Hickman at (305) 709-3046
Ginny Anderson at (305)7009-2882 or
**All scouts MUST print out the Merit Badge Worksheet for Archaeology. **
Last Day to Register is June 1, 2023, or when class is full.
No Walk-ins No Refunds
Class participation does not guarantee completion of the Merit Badge
***We must have a minimum of 10 participants for this event***
***Class has a maximum of 16 participants for this event**