Event Phone: 305-304-6800
May 18, 2018 - May 20, 2018
5:00 pm - 11:00 am
What is it?
Major Mayhem in May is where Venturers participate in fun activities and competitions. This information is for Venturers and Advisors. Please share this information with other Ventures and Leaders in your Unit.
When & Where?
Friday, May 18th through Sunday, May 20th. Check-in begins at 4:30 pm Friday. Activities will run all day Saturday and the event will end Sunday after Scout’s Own. Mayhem In May will be held at Camp Elmore, 3551 S.W. 142nd Ave., Davie, FL 33330.
All units must have two-deep leadership in accordance with Youth Protection guidelines and at least one adult must be Youth Protection Trained. For Co-Ed Crews- both male and female leadership are required to be present.
Early Bird fee is $25 per person up until 11:55 pm on May 11th.
Regular registration is $ 30 up until Thursday, May 17, 2018-Noon
Refunds are not available, but fees are transferable to another Venturer or adult or to another future Council or District event
if Robert Johnson is notified via e-mail 24 hours prior to the start of the event.
Liability, as well as Sickness and Accident Insurance is provided for all registered members and leaders of the South Florida Council.
More Info?
For questions or more information, contact the event leadership listed in the below Leader Guide
Click for Leaders Guide
Major Mayhem 2018 Leaders Guide
Venue: Camp Elmore
Venue Website: https://sfcbsa.org/camps/camp-elmore/