We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
  •  July 25, 2023
     8:00 am - 2:00 pm

This limited event has been Sold Out, and no more spaces are available.

We do not keep a Wait List-    These opportunities are announced in our Weekly Council E-blast Newsletters.

You may sign up at Newsletter Sign UP

No date has been determined for a future class at this time-


Geology  and  Mining In Society  Merit Badge


This program is being offered and presented by our great Community Partners at CEMEX


When:     July 25, 2023   Tuesday

Where:    CEMEX- Medley Mine and Quarry-

Scouts will meet offsite at a location TBA, and will all travel together by bus to the CEMEX Quarry.

After the program they will return to the same drop off location to be picked up by their parents.

Time:    8 AM – 2:30PM
Cost:    $35.00


All Requirements for both Merit Badges are linked below for registered Scouts to familiarize themselves with before attending this program.

Attending these classes will not guarantee the completion of a merit badge unless all work is completed and and turned into the Merit Badge Counselor.

This is not a program for Cub Scouts- All Scouts BSA youth participants must be properly registered in SF Council

Last Day to Register for these merit badges is July 20, 2023,  at 11 PM, or when the class is full. It will fill quickly

Limited Seating is available for this exciting program – Only 30 total Scouts may register to attend.

ONLY three (3) Scouts from any UNIT may register for this limited opportunity. If your registration is received after we have exceeded the limit of three Scouts from your Unit, your paid registration may be Voided and and funds will be returned to you. Discuss with your Unit families to coordinate.

Scouts must attend in full Scout Field Uniform – Lunch will be provided- Scouts with severe food allergies- please bring your own non perishable lunch- no discount is provided.

The location meeting address and info will be sent via email prior to the class to all properly registered and accepted Scouts, please register with the email you want the information link to be sent to so that you will receive the information timely when the class has filled.

When dropping off your Scout we must see you and ensure you have given us correct emergency contact information before you leave. Scouts will be returned to the same location when the course is over to be picked up by the parent or guardian. During the day Scouts will be at the CEMEX- Mine-Quarry in Medley with registered BSA Adult Leader Supervision.

Click the link to see the requirements for the Geology Merit Badge and the Mining In Society Merit Badge:


           Geology      https://www.scouting.org/merit-badges/geology/


          Mining In Society    https://www.scouting.org/merit-badges/mining-in-society/


No Walk-ins   No Refunds


CEMEX will not receive any payment for this program- and they are happy to again include South Florida Council in their continuing environmental and community educational outreach programs.

For information  call Cliff Freiwald at (305) 709-2976            Email: