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  •  November 23, 2019
     8:00 am - 5:00 pm



 DATE   NOVEMBER 23, 2019

This event is Saturday

What is it? Get a Jump Start on your Cub Scouts advancements for the year by coming to Cubbie College!

Who? This event is open to all registered Cub Scouts and registered Leaders or Parents.

When & Where? Saturday, November 23, 2019.  Check-in begins at 8:15 am on Saturday.  The activities will start at 9 am and run till 3 pm. Cubbie College will be held at Camp Elmore, 3551 SW 142nd Ave, Davie, FL 33330 (US).

Supervision? All units must have two-deep leadership in accordance with Youth Protection guidelines and at least one adult must be Youth Protection Trained. Each unit must have at least 2 adults per den to supervise youth during activities.

Cost? $20 per Scout and $5 per adult (includes lunch)

Leaders Guide?    CC.LG.10.19 

Adventures? All adventures will be on a first come first serve bases. Once all adventures are full registration will close.

Tiger:   Safe and Smart, Stories and Shapes, BB Guns, Archery,

Wolf:  Hometown Heroes, Grow Something, BB Guns, Archery

Bear:  Forensics, Beat of the Drum, BB Guns, Archery

Webelo and Arrow of Light:  Sports, TBD, BB Guns, Archery

Registration? Registration is requested in order for us to plan according to the number of people attending. There will be NO WALK-UP registrations. Registration will close for this event on November 20th, 2019. Paper Registration forms may be turned into South Florida Council Office before 3 Pm on November 20th. No late registrations will be accepted via e-mail or mailed forms to the office.

Paper Registration Form    2019 Cubbie College Registration Form

Credit Card Payment Form  CREDIT CARD Authorization Form. Cubbie College

Insurance? Liability, as well as Sickness and Accident Insurance,  is provided for all registered members and leaders of the South Florida Council.

More Info? For questions or more information, contact:

Warren Walter; Office: 305-364-0020 ext. 242; Cell 513-578-9780



Aaron Gluck; Office: 305-364-0020 ext 234; Cell 561-383-0471




Venue Website:

3551 SW 142 Avenue, Davie, Florida, 33330, United States