September 24, 2022
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
This event has been postponed until January 2023.
HIGH COPE Day Program for Scouts BSA or Venturers 14yrs old and Up
Classes taught by certified COPE and Climbing Instructors
Location: Camp Elmore
3551 Boy Scout Road (SW 142 Ave), Davie, Fl. 33330
Class will be from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Participants will meet Instructors at the Camp Elmore Main Parking Lot.
Class size will be limited to 18 Scouts BSA or Venturers in each session (18 max per day)
Cub Scouts and Webleos MAY NOT participate or register for this HIGH COPE Program
Scouts BSA and Venturers must be at least 14 years old by Sept 24, 2022
Early Bird Cost: $25.00 per Scout; Includes all equipment, supplies, camp use fees, pizza lunch. Scouts may bring their own non – perishable lunch- no price discount.
Scouts may be dropped off if we have a BSA Medical and parents emergency contact info
Registration Opens August 01, 2022
Limited to 18 Scouts BSA or Venturers
Only three Scouts may register from the same Unit. First three will be accepted- after first three any additional will be moved to the next COPE Event, or we will refund.
Water is available all day.
Participation in High COPE Events is limited to currently registered Scouts/Venturers –need to be in their Activity Uniform. (Class “B”), or other appropriate clothing as advised once registered
No Walk Ins are permitted to attend-
Registration automatically closes when course has filled or on Sept 20, 2022
ALL Scouts MUST be preregistered, and confirmed by South Florida Council to attend. Parents may not drop off Scouts, and leave- they must check in each Scout. We MUST have an adults emergency contact info
No Refunds for Scouts cancellations, no refunds for Scouts that are No Shows. Fees may be transferred to another Scout for this same date, and event if Cliff Freiwald is notified 24 hours prior to start time of activity via e-mail.
No person may participate, bring Scouts, or be on the Camp Elmore property whom:
- Has a temperature greater than 100 degress. Parents/Guardians included
- Has any COVID symptoms.
- Has been exposed to any person whom has had COVID within the last 07 days
- If you were tested for COVID (for any reason) in the last 07 days, and you have not already received back NEGATIVE results do not participate
For more info or to discuss this program or any safety protocols please contact:
Venue: Camp Elmore
Venue Website: https://sfcbsa.org/camps/camp-elmore/