April 21, 2023 - April 22, 2023
4:00 pm
Buccaneer Cuboree Event
What: This event will be a family camping opportunity for all registered cub scout families.
Activities: During this event, scouts will be able to camp, cook, participate in Pinewood Derby races, a movie night and community booths
When and Where: Camp Jackson Sawyer, MM 34, April 21-23rd
Supervision: All units must have the adults to ensure necessary YPT guidelines met, younger lion and tiger dens must provide parent supervision based on BSA guidelines
Costs: Early Bird will be $25 per person, Regular Registration will be $30 per person. This will include, registration fee, activities, Saturday lunch, patch and camping arrangements.
What to bring: Units must bring camping gear for all members of their unit, food, cooking utensils and personal gear. Grills and firepits will be available for campers to use.
Early Bird registration will be open the first week of February and Close online on April 10th—at 11PM.
Regular Registration pricing will start on April 11th and close on the 18th of April at 11PM.
Food: Food will be brought and provided by the individual units with exception of a Saturday Lunch and cracker Barrel
Event Schedule:
Contact: Charlie Rodgers 305-972- 7133
No refunds for No Shows or cancelations.
Venue: Camp Sawyer
Venue Website: https://sfcbsa.org/camps/camp-sawyer/