February 3, 2024 - February 4, 2024
5:00 am - 3:00 pm
Registration Online has ended- You can still register On-Site on the morning of the Hike. Be prepared to bring and pay via credit card.
There is NO GUARANTEE of any specific Hike Group- You will be placed by the HikeMaster where space is available.
What? The term barefoot mailman refers to the carriers on the first U.S. Mail route (1885-1892) between Palm Beach and the settlements around the body of water known as Lake Worth on the north, and Miami, Coconut Grove, and Lemon City to the south.
This event is a 35-mile, 2-day hike along portions of the historic trails walked by the Barefoot Mailmen of the late 1800’s. It provides numerous challenges and opportunities for Scouts, and Scouters, to test and show their teamwork, planning, self-sufficiency and Scouting skills while preparing and participating on this hike.
Where? Hike starts at the Parking Lot at East Atlantic Blvd and North Pompano Beach Blvd. and ends at South Beach, Miami Beach, Fla.
Requirements? The Scout Uniform is required for all participants!
- Participants must be a registered youth or adult Boy Scout, Older Girl Non BSA Program or Venturer, be at least 12-years old, have completed all Second Class requirements, and completed 4 pre-hikes of increasing distance (up to 20 miles), as conditioning.
- Each unit participating must register at least two adult hikers.
- Hike sufficiency, preparation, uniforming and other requirements, as well as registration and information can be found at sfcbsa.org.
Below is last years 2023 Information- 2024 information will be added once available
2024 Barefoot Mailman Flyer-Barefoot-Mailman-Flyer-2024
2022 Barefoot Mailman Google Maps Google Map
2023 Barefoot Mailman Rules bfmm-rules-2024
2022 Barefoot Mailman Maps – Pick Up at end of Hike barefoot-mailman-hike-map-hilton-pickup
2022 Barefoot Mailman Supporting Hike Notes-barefoot-mailman-route-notes-hilton-pickup
2022 Support Vehicle Placard Placard
More Info? Please contact Hikemaster, Fred Kimball, 786-385-3832