Details Price Qty
FINAL PAYMENT NYLT- after January 15th this cannot be used for initial course registrationshow details + $250.00 USD  
FINAL PAYMENT NYLT- Matthew Lewis- ONLYshow details + $155.00 USD  
FINAL PAYMENT NYLT- Cohen DeWitt- ONLYshow details + $100.00 USD  
FULL PAYMENT NYLT- Registrationshow details + $350.00 USD  

  •  March 14, 2025 - March 16, 2025
     6:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Registration will open on July 26th, 2024 This course is first come, first served- limited space is available- register early to guarantee your space. It will fill- and it will fill quickly  

What: National Youth Leadership Training is a national six day course for Scouts and Venturers which gives our youth a toolbox of leadership skills.  NYLT is an invaluable course that develops the leadership potential of our youth. Your registration is for both weekends.

Requirements: Scouts must be First Class and 13 years old.  Scouts and Venturers must have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops, Crews or Ships.  Attendance at both weekends, all sessions, all hours is required to complete the course. Participants may NOT miss any days or sessions.


  • 2025 Course :
    • Weekend 1: Friday-March 14th, 2025- 6:00 pm  –  Sunday-March 16th, 2025- 5:00 pm
    • Weekend 2: Thursday-March 27th, 2025 -6:00 pm  –  Sunday-March 30th, 2025 -4:00 pm
  • Attendance at all sessions and all days is required to complete NYLT


Payment- Wait List & Refund-  Policy

$50 discount if paid in full by January 15th, 2025.

$ 100 deposit will hold your space until January 15th – when All fees are due.

The $ 100 deposit is NON- REFUNDABLE- under any circumstance.  Any- and all other additional payments will become non-refundable as well, after January 15, 2025- However they might become refundable if your slot is (1.) later filled by a confirmed, and accepted participant before February 05th,  AND -(2.) if the expenses of the course as determined by the Staff Advisor allow for refunds to be made minus any unrecoverable expenses after the course 2nd weekend concludes and ALL course expenses have been paid.       

When the NYLT Course is  FULL.   We will start a Wait List.  Even if your deposit or payment is accepted online you may be placed on the Wait List, depending on when your payment is made. You will be informed if you are in the NYLT Course or the Wait List once your registration is accepted.  all applications are conditional until accepted and confirmed by the Staff Advisor and Course Director.      Available spaces are filled in the order in which they are received and enter the Wait List                

Please understand-there is NO GUARANTEE of getting into the 2025 NYLT Course, from the WAIT LIST.  To our available capabilities-we will try to assist all applicants to get into all available spaces up until the date of the course depending on  possible withdraws.

Once a applicant is moved from the Wait List, into the 2025 NYLT Course Roster– all fees paid then become non refundable as shown above.

If a participant is on the Wait List, and does not get notified they are moved into the course, all their fees are fully refundable.


Course Price is determined on date the payment is paid online or that it is received in the South Florida Council Office.

We will not be responsible for any delays in incorrect credit card info, delayed mailed applications not arriving by due dates. First come- first paid- first reserved. Confirm your registration once complete.

NYLT Course Director  Frank Casco 


Staff Advisor – Cliff Freiwald,      305-709-2976 with any questions.

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Venue Website:

3551 SW 142 Avenue, Davie, Florida, 33330, United States