May 25, 2026
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Memorial Day Parade & Service May 25, 2026
The Scoutmasters Camporee Committee
South Florida Council, Boy Scouts of America
Invite you to attend
The Memorial Day Parade & Service in Downtown Davie
Location: Davie Fire Administration (6901 Orange Drive) to Bergeron Rodeo Grounds
Time: Parade begins at 10:15 a.m. (Lineup time 10:00 a.m.)
Ceremony begins at 11:00 a.m. in the Bergeron Rodeo Grounds (4271 Davie Road)
Memorial Day gives all patriotic Americans an opportunity to honor the sacrifices that so many devoted men and women made to keep and to protect our freedom. Join us on Memorial Day to remember our American heroes.
This is not a political gathering. The Memorial Day Parade and Service is an event to honor our fallen military hero’s, currently serving men and women as well as our veterans.
The Parade begins at 10:15 a.m. We welcome organizations, school clubs/bands, youth serving organizations and JROTC units to participate. Veterans, Scouts, and Military please wear your uniform.
The Ceremony begins promptly at 11:00 a.m. Please be seated beforehand. Flags will be available prior to the parade/ceremony/service for $1.00. During the ceremony, flags (purchased or brought) can be presented to be placed on veteran’s graves at this years upcoming Veterans Day in November. Drinks ($1) and event patches ($4) will be available for purchase at the Arena.
Registration for
Flyer Coming Soon
Contact– (Memorial Day Chairman) at chief at smcc dot us
Venue: Town of Davie Fire Administration Building- Parade Start